
Sequenza links August 09, 2017 at 07:24PM

Coming up – Sequenza Ensemble
And while we’re sharing good news – we’ve got two fantastic concerts coming up with wonderful guest artist, Michael Elphinstone (Baroque Flute!) Come explore the French, Italian and German Baroque Flute repertoire with us – including Telemann, Vivaldi, Hasse and Campra. Book tickets right here under our Facebook events, or head over to Eventbrite and search for Sequenza.
from Sequenza

Sequenza links August 09, 2017 at 11:18AM

Deeply Viol by Helen Thomson
The Deeply Viol project has hit it out of the park, exceeding its target by over $1k within the first ten days. But it’s not too late to pledge – our next plan is to buy a lute for David! So if you’d like to come to the exclusive VIP concert that only campaign supporters get to attend, or if you want a CD or EP, or to name the instrument/s (though this last one does not come cheap!!) – head over to the Pozible page and make your pledge, and let’s get the lovely David a lute of his very own 🙂
from Sequenza